Mobile Application

Security Assessment Service

Planning and




Reporting & Remediation


Mobile Application Security Assessment Service

Mobile Application Security Assessment Services (MASS) offered by Cyber Hunterz are paramount for organizations seeking to fortify the security of their mobile applications. Our comprehensive assessment process involves identifying vulnerabilities within mobile apps and simulating attacks to gauge the effectiveness of existing security measures.

MASS plays a pivotal role in bolstering an organization's cybersecurity posture, particularly in today's mobile-centric landscape. By pinpointing and rectifying vulnerabilities in mobile applications, organizations can enhance user trust, protect sensitive data, and safeguard against evolving cyber threats.



  • Planning and scope definition: The VAPT team will work with the organization to understand the scope of the testing and to define the objectives and constraints of the assessment.
  • Information gathering: The team will gather information about the target network, including details about the hardware and software used, network architecture, and security measures in place.
  • Vulnerability scanning: The team will use a variety of tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in the network, including network scanners, vulnerability scanners, and manual testing.
  • Penetration testing: The team will simulate an attack on the network to test its defenses and identify any weaknesses that could be exploited by a hacker.
  • Reporting: The team will provide a report detailing their findings and recommendations for remediation.

Who needs Mobile Application Security Assessment Service?


Organizations developing or deploying mobile applications for internal use or customer-facing purposes benefit from MASS to ensure the security and integrity of their mobile apps.


Emerging startups seeking to launch innovative mobile applications rely on MASS to identify and rectify security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle, ensuring a secure and reliable user experience.

Financial Institutions

Banks, fintech companies, and other financial institutions handling sensitive financial data prioritize MASS to safeguard customer information, protect against fraud, and comply with regulatory requirements.

E-commerce Platforms

Online retailers and e-commerce platforms utilizing mobile applications for shopping, payments, and customer engagement rely on MASS to secure customer data, prevent payment fraud, and uphold trust.

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare organizations leveraging mobile applications for patient care, telemedicine, and electronic health records (EHR) turn to MASS to fortify security measures and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations.

Ed-Tech Platforms

Educational technology platforms leveraging mobile applications for learning, assessments, and student engagement depend on robust security measures to safeguard sensitive student information, prevent academic dishonesty, and foster a trustworthy learning environment.


used in Mobile Application Security Assessment Services

Mobile Application Scanners

Tools like MobSF (Mobile Security Framework) and OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) are employed to identify vulnerabilities within mobile applications.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Automated tools like Checkmarx and Fortify are used to analyze the source code of the mobile application for vulnerabilities and security flaws.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Utilizing tools such as Burp Suite and AppSpider, we simulate attacks against the mobile application to identify vulnerabilities and security weaknesses.

Manual Testing Tools

Our expert security analysts leverage manual testing techniques, including reverse engineering and code review, to assess the security of mobile applications comprehensively.

Our Fantastic Customers Reviews

Our Customer feedback

Hossain Alshedoki


Associate Director at KPMG (KSA)

“Thankyou Shubham and CyberHunterz Team for creating excellent product for our one of the biggest CTF competition in KPMG, Saudi Arabia. Without your expert support this event was not possible.”

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Atul Goswamy

@Atul Goswamy

IT Manager at TCS

“Took professional trainings from lot of organizations but the quality of corporate penetration testing program was awesome with Cyber Hunterz, it helped me and my colleagues to work efficiently and all our VAPT Projects and increase our productivity.”

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Sunil Kumar

@Sunil Kumar

Assistant Vice President at HDFC Bank

“It was amazing experience in this proficient cyber security training. It helped me a lot to aware my staff against cyber frauds and deal with critical cyber security threats in a bank.”

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Jay Park

@Jay Park

Director at Shanda

“Must say very punctual team of professionals it's been great time in working with you, looking forward for some more projects ahead.”

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Henry Instigator

@Henry Instigator

Operation manager at Jwone Media llc

“Excellent work done by the team for all my VAPT and Red Team Exercises, they exactly know the pain point of the customer. High quality service and reports are delivered by Cyber Hunterz.”

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